In college again and not much has changed discipline wise with the student body continuing to flaunt the rule book.
Prefect Brian Harper (Toby Haines) is hot on the trail of Watson (Xander Hollister) who he suspects has crept in to the storeroom for a quick smoke. He’s right of course and catches him red handed.
Now Watson’s bottom will be red handed too as Harpers stinging palm descends on Watson’s bare bottom!
This quickly followed up with a whacking on Watson re positioned and well raised backside with a wooden rule.
Sixth former Beaumont (Brad) has been swinging his fists again and sits waiting outside the Headmasters study.
Called in to explain himself he knows he’s going to get that promised spanking and severe caning spoken of the last time he was caught fighting.
The spanking is scorching enough but now Beaumont waits for the first cut of the Heads well-oiled rattan punishment cane.
The burning stripes are laid and one sixth former, his backside on fire, now wishes he hadn’t been so reckless.
Tomorrow two more boys get the Sting treatment
Tales from the Headmaster's Study (Episode 12) - End of Term Tearaways in 1080p Extra High Definition
Tales from the Headmaster's Study (Episode 12) - End of Term Tearaways in 720p High Definition
Tales from the Headmaster's Study (Episode 12) - End of Term Tearaways in Standard Definition