This 48.5 minute, 2010, Sting Classic download complete the story of Tales from St Datchets Academy providing a satisfying and entertaining epilogue. In the original story (also on DVD) featuring ten popular Sting lads including Brett, James, Matt Mills, Sebastian, Ginger and Vex who all end up with very sore, well punished bottoms!
In this story (The epilogue) the prefects at St Datchets, Christian Weaver (Brett) and Paul Harrington (James) also get their comeuppance for their past misdeeds. (including bullying junior lads and selling contraband tobacco)
Weaver is willing to accept his guilt and takes a hard bare bottom caning of which he painfully calls and counts out every stroke!
Drop your underpants and bend over
Bare bottom exposed and ready for punishment
The stinging cane leaves angry red tramlines across Weaver's ivory white bottom
Young Weaver will not be sitting down comfortably for quite some time!!
Harrington the ringleader doesn’t want to submit so easily but is forced by the new housemaster Dr Barton, now transferred from Debden Hall, to take his well deserved punishment a birching with the famed St datchets brush birch laid on by Mr James the PE head.
The final reckoning had come for Weaver and Harrington but others too will soon be feeling the sting of firm discipline.